In the future I hope to be an instructor at a community college. I wanted to tie my final project in along with that goal so my final project is designed for community college students. I understand that many students are working full time and have busy lives. The purpose of this project would be to help students understand and know how to create a class on Google groups.
I have used Google groups in the past for a hybrid course and found it to be very effective and efficient. During the quarter my professor and the class discussed mostly online scholarly articles, readings and public relations strategies and ideas online in the Google groups, although we did meet four times during the quarter in the traditional face to face classroom setting.
For the purpose of this class I would require that students post at least three comments a day in order to receive a passing grade. This requirement would help ensure that students are active in participating in this class. The students would be required to write a 10-15 page final paper and as a class we would meet during the quarter face to face for students to discuss their concerns and address any issues with the class content. Students may access the written version of this tutorial here.
Explained how you produced the presentation
1. First I created an account on YouTube.
2. Then I wrote a script I would follow for my video presentation.
3. Then I tried out the procedures in order to create a Google group online.
4. After that I then recorded my presentation on an I Phone.
5. In this presentation I had students log into their Gmail accounts and acted as if I was the webmaster to the Google group ETEC 674 and invited students from the class.
6. I used another class on Google groups as an example of how students are able to comments on other students post and share ideas.
7. Once I felt comfortable with my presentation I then upload that video to YouTube for my students to watch.
8. Finally I posted the video to the blog in order for everyone to have access to the information I was address.
Explain why you chose the technology you used
After running into other problems with websites such as Jing and Prezi, I decided to use what technologies I felt comfortable enough to use. I wanted to do something that my students would be able to do on their own or future classes and coursework. I also wanted to use a technology that was not foreign to students and was a concept that they felt comfortable with. Since many students upload videos to YouTube, I thought that this presentation was something that students would be able to relate to and have an interest in.
Discuss the characteristic of the technology in terms of one vs. two-way communication, media richness/social presence etc.
The Google groups provide me and the students two-way communication where they can express ideas about readings and share comments with other students. By requiring students to post at least three comments a day it require much social presence in order for that student to receive a passing grade. The video that I uploaded is a one-way communication because does not allow for students to respond. It is used for informational purposes only. This would rank higher on the media richness scale because it requires creating and upload a video onto YouTube for students to participate. The presentation on YouTube was one of the best ways to express information to many without them having to come to class and watch a presentation.
Explain what steps were taken to ensure ADA compliance
In order to ensure ADA compliance I attached a world document of the script for students to follow along who are special needs or who would like a written version of the video tutorial. The written documents can be accessed in the beginning of my blog post.